Clean Energy Alliance (CEA), the default energy provider for the cities of Carlsbad, Del Mar and Solana Beach, and soon to be Escondido and San Marcos (April 2023) and Oceanside and Vista (April 2024), is considering a rate increase at the Board meeting on Thursday, January 26, 2023.

The rates for electricity, as proposed, are 25% lower than San Diego Gas & Electric’s (SDG&E) comparable generation rate for the average residential customer. Actual customer savings would range from 2%-25% depending on the exit fees charged by SDG&E. CEA competes with SDG&E on electricity generation service only, which makes up just a portion of a customer’s total electric bill. SDG&E continues to be responsible for the delivery of the electricity. CEA’s charges appear on the customer’s SDG&E bill.

Rates will provide sufficient revenue to cover costs while still providing savings for Carlsbad, Del Mar and Solana Beach customers. The proposed rates ensure a secure financial position now and into the future, representing a strong focus on fiscal responsibility.

“Through our first year of operation, CEA provided nearly $2.0 million in energy cost savings to its customers, and the proposed rates are expected to generate additional savings compared to SDG&E in 2023,” said CEA Board of Directors Chair David Druker.

While CEA has been impacted by rising electricity prices driven by high natural gas prices, power supply shortages from drought conditions and recent heat events, it still succeeds in providing a cost-competitive energy service for its customers.

If approved, the rates would become effective February 1, 2023.

CEA offers three power supply products:
• Clean Impact – minimum 50% Renewable
• Clean Impact Plus – 50% Renewable and 75% Carbon Free
• Green Impact – 100% Renewable

Customers in Carlsbad, Del Mar and Solana Beach are automatically enrolled in Clean Impact Plus and have the option to move into one of the other two power supply products.

CEA’s Rate Public Hearing will be held during the regular Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 2 p.m., with the public being able to participate via Zoom.

More information about CEA and the Board meeting can be found on CEA’s website