When there’s a new power provider in town, you’re bound to have lots of questions! We’ve assembled some of the top concerns expressed by community members — read on for answers to these common inquiries. If you have additional questions, we encourage you to explore our website, check out our FAQ page or contact us.

Oceanside and Vista customers will have 60 days following the April 2024 launch to opt out of Clean Energy Alliance without restriction. To do so, call (833) 232-3110 or opt out on our website at TheCleanEnergyAlliance.org within 60 days of your April meter read date.

If you decide to opt out and stay with SDG&E after the 60-day opt out period (ending on May 31, 2024), SDG&E will charge a small (currently $0.56) one-time account processing fee. By opting out, you will also be subject to SDG&E’s then-current rates and terms and conditions of service. For details on SDG&E’s rates and terms and conditions, please visit SDG&E.com. You will not be charged any fees if you cancel electric service altogether (for example, if you move). 

If you opt out, you will still be charged for all electricity you used before the transfer of electric generation service. Accounts will be transferred on the day the electric meter is read and cannot be transferred during the middle of a billing cycle. In order for your request to be processed on your next meter read date, your request must be received at least 5 business days prior to the date on which the meter is read. 

Customers who opt out before or within the first 60 days of Clean Energy Alliance (CEA) service may return to CEA at any time. Customers who opt out after the first 60 days of service with CEA are prohibited by SDG&E from returning to CEA for one year.

To opt out, please call CEA at (833) 232-3110 or visit TheCleanEnergyAlliance.org. Have your electric bill handy so that we can process the request.

Since its inception in 2021, CEA has saved an average residential customer approximately $6.16 per month on their electricity bills. Due to recent SDG&E rate changes, while CEA’s generation rates are currently slightly higher (around $2 to $3 per month), all customers will currently be realizing a decrease in their overall electricity bills until increased by SDG&E. CEA’s goal is to provide energy to our customers at competitive rates while providing cleaner, renewable energy to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also providing local programs that directly benefit our customers. 

The CEA Board of Directors reviews rates annually in order to provide long-term rate stability for residents and businesses. CEA has a goal of achieving a minimum 2% savings on generation costs compared to SDG&E, and has achieved that up until SDG&E’s 2024 rate change. Check out our current rate comparison, and visit the Your Options webpage for the updated cost of residents’ average monthly bill.

Clean Energy Alliance has and continues to work closely with SDG&E in order to ensure that this transition goes smoothly. SDG&E will continue to be responsible for the delivery of energy to our customers. We look forward to continuing to partner with SDG&E during this transition. 

Importantly, SDG&E will also continue to handle billing for CEA customers. SDG&E bills include all recent electric charges, including CEA’s power generation charges. For your convenience, SDG&E forwards the power generation portion of the payment to CEA. SDG&E will continue to charge you for the transmission and delivery services they provide.

CEA is governed by a board of local elected officials from member agencies who oversee decisions regarding power purchasing, programs, and rate setting, and are directly accountable to the people who elected them. Meetings are conducted monthly in an open, transparent manner, ensuring the public has a voice in decisions made for CEA. If you want to make your voice heard, or have questions about CEA, contact askcea@thecleanenergyalliance.org or visit our Agendas & Minutes webpage for a full schedule of board and community advisory committee meetings.

Clean Energy Alliance procures its energy, including its higher percentage of renewable energy, from a variety of suppliers and also takes advantage of purchasing some of SDG&E’s excess energy they no longer need. CEA’s objective is to purchase power for its member communities directly from the generators that produce it. SDG&E will still handle energy delivery to CEA members and will continue to handle the energy billing process.

CEA’s Board of Directors consists of one elected council member from each of the seven member cities’ city councils. These board members represent a variety of professional backgrounds and, similar to their roles as elected officials, are responsible for setting policies and priorities and approving programs of CEA. 

The CEA Board has appointed a chief executive officer who hires and manages staff and consultants who implement CEA Board policies and clean energy priorities. CEA staff are experienced energy industry experts and CEA partners with energy consultants with decades of experience in local energy markets, energy costs and rate setting. 

Together, CEA staff and its consultants prepare a financial pro forma and budget upon which rate-setting recommendations are prepared for the Board’s consideration. Rates are set to cover the cost of energy supply and a reserve target established by the Board. CEA’s rate setting process is transparent and encourages public participation. CEA reviews its rates annually as part of the budget process, which is approved by the Board of Directors each June.