Requests for Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/RFP)
2024 RFP – Behind-the-Meter Residential Distributed Energy Program
Through this RFP, CEA intends to solicit proposals from qualified organizations to implement programmatic deployment of safe and affordable battery energy storage systems (BESS) for residential customers. Solicitation materials are linked below and responses to questions will be posted to the website no later than January 10, 2025.
In no particular order, key program objectives are summarized below and elaborated on in the RFP document:
- Increase local grid resiliency and reliability
- Protect vulnerable customers
- Enhance peak load management strategies
- Support decarbonization efforts
- Improve statewide grid health
Determining factors for program implementation include:
- End-to-end project development capabilities
- Ability to provide no-upfront-cost solutions
- Behind-the-meter dispatchable system deployment
- Innovative incentive structures
- Strategic load-shaping approaches
Key dates for this solicitation are:
- Deadline for electronic question submittal: December 20, 2024
- CEA posts responses to questions: January 10, 2025
- RFP response deadline: January 17, 2025
We encourage interested parties to read the RFP Information and Instructions, and submit through the RFP response form to
RFQ – Local Project Developer Qualifications and Readiness
CEA is seeking RFQ responses from qualified businesses or firms interested in proposing and developing 1 to 20MW solar photovoltaic and/or battery energy storage systems in or near CEA’s service area under future solicitations or to contract directly with site owners and/or CEA’s customers. Responsive contractors under this RFQ may be listed on CEA’s website or their contact information may be given to site owners and customers. We encourage interested parties to read the RFQ Information and Instructions, and submit through the RFQ response form to procurement@
Open Offers
In addition to specific solicitations, CEA welcomes submitted offers year-round through our Open Offers Form – further information on our Open Offers process can be found further below on this webpage.
Local Solar – CEA’s Feed-In Tariff Program
Local Solar is Clean Energy Alliance’s (CEA) feed-in tariff (FIT) program for smaller-scale renewable energy projects. Energy produced by the sites would be sold to CEA and sent to the grid for community use.
To participate, interested organizations must apply through the process outlined on our Local Solar webpage; in the initial phase of this program, CEA will approve a maximum of four projects totaling up to 2MW of solar generating capacity.
Supplier Diversity Program
Clean Energy Alliance works with a variety of service vendors and partners to accomplish our clean energy goals. CEA has adopted an Inclusive and Sustainable Workforce Policy and reports on Supplier Diversity to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) annually. We encourage all vendors interested in working with CEA to get certified through the CPUC Supplier Diversity program. Visit our Supplier Diversity page to learn more.
Pursuant to Prop 209, CEA does not give preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.
RFQ Interest List
If prospective vendors would like to be notified when Clean Energy Alliance (CEA) posts new Requests for Quotes (RFQ), please subscribe to our interest list.
Please be sure to provide your service category on the form e.g. Energy Supply, Resource Adequacy, Technical Consultant, Renewable Energy Development, Energy Efficiency Programs, Distributed Energy Programs, Other.
Open Offer Form
In addition to time-limited solicitations, CEA welcomes submitted offers year-round that will help CEA meet its procurement objectives and regulatory obligations – this may include long- and short-term proposals offering California Renewables Portfolio Standard‐eligible (“RPS”) renewable energy supply, carbon-free energy (“CFE”), resource adequacy capacity (“RA”), and/or Supplemental Mid‐Term Reliability capacity (“MTR”).
While CEA cannot commit to respond to every offer received, submissions reviewed will be evaluated based on CEA’s Bid Evaluation Criteria Policy, taking into account each project’s commercial readiness and development status, developer experience, project fit within CEA’s supply portfolio, and price/value. CEA is currently prioritizing review of projects offering local San Diego / Imperial Valley RA, projects local to CEA’s service area, wind/geothermal resources, and projects with nearer-term CODs (e.g., pre-2028).
Unsolicited Proposals
Clean Energy Alliance (CEA) encourages interested parties to submit proposals for programs and projects that contain novel, innovative or otherwise meritorious concepts, approaches or methods. Please review the Clean Energy Alliance Unsolicited Proposals Policy for criteria and procedures related to submitting an unsolicited proposal.