The Clean Energy Alliance will hold a special board meeting on Thursday, May 7, 2020 for a 5-year goals and vision workshop.

The session will provide an opportunity for the CEA Board of Directors to identify and prioritize goals and discuss topics including:

  • Economic revitalization opportunities that address the impacts of COVID-19 on local businesses
  • Creation of a citizen advisory committee
  • Strategic plans
  • An inclusive sustainable workforce policy

To maintain social distancing efforts that prevent and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will take place virtually and will be livestreamed online by the City of Carlsbad.

May 7, 2020, 2 p.m.
Clean Energy Alliance Special Meeting
Agenda and Agenda Packet
City of Carlsbad Livestream

To participate in the meeting, e-mail your comments to the Secretary at prior to commencement of the agenda item. If you desire to have your comment read into the record at the meeting, please indicate so in the first line of your e-mail and limit your e-mail to 500 words or less. These procedures shall remain in place during the period in which state or local health officials have imposed or recommended social distancing measures.

At the April 16 board meeting, the board reviewed the draft financial pro-forma report and provided direction for staffing and consulting services to continue with existing agreements. The recording of the April 16 board meeting can be viewed online here.

At the next regularly scheduled board meeting on May 21, an updated financial pro-forma report will be provided, along with a staff report to authorize extension of existing contracts and authorization for RFPs to solicit communications, marketing and outreach consulting.